A friend recently mentioned that she longed for a whole day without any responsibilities. A whole day to do just what she wanted without meetings, phone calls, or deadlines. She loves her work and her life. But her heart cried out for a break. It made me stop and think. What would you do with an entire day to do with whatever you pleased?
Would you sleep? I know some young mothers who might just choose to do that. A glorious nap without listening for a needy baby. A time to catch up on those missing hours of shut eye that you instead put into kiddos, playdates, dishes, and diapers.
Would you spend it outside? Hiking a mountain trail? Swimming? Taking a walk in the park? Would you sit in a comfortable spot and read a book? Watch the sunrise? The moonrise? Spend it with your significant other?
Or maybe veg by yourself on the couch, the remote at your command?
While responsibility infers that we are, indeed, responsible, we are also human, fallible, and in desperate need of grace from ourselves. There are always things we should and have to do. Go to work. Pay bills. Do the laundry. Wash the car. Mow the lawn. Clean out the overflowing closet. Plan the meals for next week. Take our kids/pets/self to the dentist/vet/doctor.
The detritus of a crazy busy, joyful, responsible life will always be waiting for you. Our to do lists are never done. But down time is important too. So, if you can’t take the day, carve out a few hours to recharge. Put it on your calendar. Make an appointment with yourself. Give yourself the gift of time. You’re the only one who can.
Time is such a gift and we all have equal amounts of time in our day. Amazing thought really! And how true we need a battery recharge, some downtime to relax without stress or pressing duties. Good thoughts Stacy! Have a blessed weekend! And I hope you get some down time to enjoy too!